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Well, here we are again. It’s almost Christmas!

The stockings are filled and hung, the tree is basking in all its glory, and Kirby is waiting at the stairs for all who would happily enter here.

I’m as ready as I have ever been for the beauty and joy of Christmas. Of course, as most of you know, I’ve been feeling it since before Thanksgiving. But to all of you new subscribers who haven’t really gotten to know me yet, you can read my Thanksgiving blog and, yeah, I was chomping at the bit to put my tree up long before the socially acceptable norm. (And yes, marathoning holiday rom-coms too)

This year has been wonderful for me, as I hope it has been for all of you. I would really love to hear about your year, and what you have planned for this holiday.

The past twelve months have just sped by in some ways, which proves the adage that time flies when you’re having fun. But other times I reflect on 2021 and feel as if Christmas 2020 was eons ago. The months leading up to now have passed in a blessedly slow and satisfying way that can’t be described.

So much has changed in my life since February, when I took a huge leap of faith and moved to Northern Colorado, followed by another to the warmer climes of the Western slope. New friends have joined me, and along with visits from old dear ones, have made exploring the valley here an adventure. (Confession time. I’ve done a lot of wine country exploration)

Coming back to the place of my childhood has been everything I hoped it would be.

It’s been rewarding to refamiliarize myself with this beautiful community.

The kids will be here tomorrow to spend the holiday week with family, and open up all the gifts Santa left under the tree.

I’m such a poet! Hehehe.

And isn’t that what Christmas is all about? Faith, joy, happiness and love?

I absolutely love my holiday décor this year, and as I sit here in the early morning hours before sunrise, the lights twinkling on the tree, I feel like I’m cuddled up in a fantasy.

Which is why I decided to send out this free book promo for you as a final little gift before the big day.

Fifty-two authors of fantasy, along with some adventure and suspense sprinkled in, have gotten together to give this really fun bunch of books to you, and so I wanted to share. And if you subscribe to any of their email lists be sure to drop them a not and tell them I said hi!!

I will confess, I should have had two new books released by now to share with you, but I decided to wait until the new year. I can be a little superstitious I guess, and something in my heart tells me that 2022 is going to be an incredible year for all of us, and for all of society.

So, I made the decision to wait. (My Sensei says February, and since last February was such a turning point for me, I may just wait for it to roll back around 😊)

You can see the first of the blurbs for Declan and The Author’s House here though, along with the first chapters if you want a sneak peek. Just click on the cover when you get to the website page to read them.

I’ll tell you, I think the only thing that could have made my year better is if I had a little more interaction with you. I am so thankful to all of you who visit my blog and read and respond to my emails. It’s truly wonderful having you in my life!

So, I was thinking I should be inviting you to my Facebook page where we can talk and get to know each other better.

I would love connecting with you in a different format, so Like my page and post a hello and what you’re up to for Christmas!

Someone suggested to me the other day that I start a reading group too, where we can all share books we’ve read and enjoyed and then talk about them with others who have read them too.

What do you think? You can reply to my email, or suggest it on my page, and we’ll come up with the most fun reading page in all of Facebook world – Aaaahahahahahahaaa!

Okay, that might be a fantasy too, but it would still be fun. I know you’re probably super busy, but once we get past New Years Day, let’s get together over there and make 2022 the most fun year ever!

Merry Christmas to Everyone, and a Happy New Year

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